Our Adventures

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Day 32: A Momentous Occasion - Ithaca to Victor, New York to Trout Run Pennsylvania 230 miles

We celebrated the wedding of Ryan Kincaid and Ryan Heller this afternoon after traveling from Ithaca to Victor NY. It was a beautiful wedding and everything couldn't have gone better for the Newlyweds. The forecast called for rain but nary a drop fell during the wedding or during the reception. The "Ryans" did a marvelous job on their vows. They put so much thought and creativity into them. They are a perfect match for each other and we're so glad we had the opportunity to meet their friends and family and be with them on their wedding.

The wedding and reception was at the Ganondagon State Historic Site  It is a perfect setting. It is built on the former site of a Seneca Village and has a very informative museum about what life was like in a Seneca Village. We highly recommend visiting here if you are in the area and wish we could have spent more time there.

Before the wedding Janice and I took the Boys for a hike for an hour on the Ganondagon trails. I ate an apple and some plums from trees on the trail. There were lots of informative signs about how the Seneca people used various plants and trees. There was a replica Long House. I thought about how many young people got married in the Village and what the customs were. Again, I wish we had more time there. I will definitely be researcing more of their history when we return home.

We decided to drive a bit to cut in half what would have been a 5 hour drive to Gettysburg National Military Park.  It rained really hard in spots along the way. I am so glad it didn't rain on the wedding.

We are now on the homeward side of our trip. Except for a Friday through Sunday stay in Nashville it will all be 1 night stands near places of interest. Tonight we are pulled off the highway on a lot in what appeared to be a low-traffic area.

 Unfortunately there must be an ultra secret UFO base nearby because lots of trucks keep pulling off the road and then coming back every 20-30 minutes. I will try to take a Selfie if we come across any aliens.

I left our itinary at our Twinholm Lane hosts house in Canada. Ross was kind enough to send me a picture of it. I will update it when I get a chance as there have been a few changes but the timeline remains the same. Much Love, K&J


  1. I'm glad to see Cuyahoga NP on your route, my home stomping grounds where I started wandering the forests and streams. Diana

  2. Great to meet you both at the R&R wedding! Safe travels and happy trails to you! - Mary


Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

Unfortunately some locals at 5 am decided to be assholes and went roaring by us making sure they disturbed our slumber. But on the plus side...