Our Adventures

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Day 38: Nashville Family Time!

We had a splendid time with Charlie and Amy in Nashville. After a blissful rest we woke up and had coffee and then took a great walk with the Boys in the fabulous greenspace near their home. We walked over 3 miles and enjoyed walking in a light mist. 

When we got back to Amy and Charlie's house we had a delicious breakfast and planned out the day. We talked and laughed and reminisced over breakfast and then left to explore Nashville.

We went to the Muscians Hall of Fame and spent over 3 hours exploring the marvelous exhibits. It started with a short movie about all of the magnificent session players who played for some of biggest stars and on some of the greatest hits in history.

After we left the museum we walked around the capitol of Tennessee before succumbing to our thirst. We magically ended up at the Tennessee Brew Works, owned by Charlie and Amy's neighbor, Christian Spears.

Afterwards, we grilled out and Pascal the cat decided to jump off their deck on top of our motorhome. Charlie coaxed him back on the deck before we could convince Pascal to join us in the motorhome. We called Janice's brother, David and niece Katheryn in California. It was a wonderful day and we look forward to more fun tomorrow!

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Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

Unfortunately some locals at 5 am decided to be assholes and went roaring by us making sure they disturbed our slumber. But on the plus side...