Our Adventures

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Day 43: Iola to Syracuse, Kansas:383 miles

No trains, planes, or automobiles. It does not get any quieter than Bird Farm, Iola Kansas. I was up with the birds this morning listening and recording what I heard, what Merlin heard, and what I saw.

 I got on tangents chasing butterflies and taking pictures of insects on flowers. 

Kasey found an Osage Orange. I couldn't locate any on trees. Oddest looking orange, but apparently has some interesting qualities. 
It is in the mulberry family and is native to North America, mainly Oklahoma and Texas, but not to Kansas. The wood has such strength that it was used in making bows. The tree is not susceptible to insects or fungus. Some animals eat the fruit but the outer covering is very hard and difficult to penetrate. Humans don't bother. Too much work.
Kasey flew the drone over the property and the dogs got another swim in the pond. 
It looks as if a beaver has set up residency. That stick has gnaw marks and I saw and heard a big splash in the pond.
We set off on the long drive to Dodge City to continue to make our way west. On the way, I educated Kasey on what "virga" is. Precipitation that evaporates before hitting the ground, essentially. There were places in the sky where it looked as if it was raining, but it trailed off before touching earth. 
At Dodge City, KS, we got gas, ate dinner, took pictures, and caught up on our plans. We couldn't get the wifi to work at the restaurant, so drone pictures will come later. Since there was nothing else to see and the only overnight spot was Walmart, we opted to "get out of Dodge." We headed to Suracuse, KS to a spot listed as a comfortable place to overnight. Driving into the sun and past sunset made for a long day. There must be a large contingent of cattle in these parts. Kasey kept mentioning the "dairy air."
 Our journey added more miles to the day but will be less tomorrow. Sunsets and lightning entertained us as well as Beatles CD's.
Indeed the place for the night is great. Across from a golf course on fairgrounds property. Some overgrown spots with electrical and water are here but we like being nestled in the trees.

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