Thursday, August 10, 2023

Day 1, August 10, 2023. Roseburg to Boardman, 335 miles

We finally left Roseburg just before noon. All of those last minute things add up. The last was refrigerated items and Kasey did a good job cleaning the fridge so we hopefully didn't gross out our house sitter. I was debating on whether to take the ice cream, but realized the motorhome freezer was small. So, I sacrificed myself and ate it. Honestly, there was only enough for one. But it was chocolate and my motto, don't let chocolate go to waste! Tad would not let us out of his sights. We went to the motorhome, he went to the motorhome. I got in the Honda, he got in. After grinding Comet's nails so our house sitter did not get an uncomfortable awaking, we were ready. Now, to hook the Honda up, we need a flat spot. "See you at the church, don't be late" I said to Kasey. The Methodist Church parking lot 3 miles away is nice and flat. VoilĂ , we remembered all the steps. Checked the lights, good to go.
Smooth sailing. ....Until we got to Portland. I just kept worrying that the boys needed out, but they have held it longer. Finally through traffic. When does rush hour start at 330pm? Kasey called our Harvest Host to let them know we were late. We sailed though the Columbia River Gorge, figuratively speaking. Then we made it to Boardman. Nice quietish spot. Some traffic. Farmers Cup, a little stop along I84. But the cow manure smell is something I am not used to. Good thing it is only for one night. We arrived at our spot and 3 young, 3 month-old guessing kitties come running up. Tad did not know what to do when the orange one came right up to say hi. Eventually, he gave it a lick like he does with Comet. 

1 comment:

Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

Unfortunately some locals at 5 am decided to be assholes and went roaring by us making sure they disturbed our slumber. But on the plus side...