Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Day 7: Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, ND to Brainerd, MN-346 miles

We had battles with insects, namely flies and mosquitos yesterday.  The wand bug zapper worked overtime. Halfway through the night, I realized I had not put the Honda in park and removed the key.  In our haste to avoid losing blood to nearly invisible attackers, I had not properly put the Grey Towed to bed. So, in much less clothes than I had on when the unknown assailants punctured any visible flesh, I made the foolish decision to complete my responsibilities. Sure enough, the Grey Towed was dead. But mosquitoes were very much alive. I gave Tad an early potty break hoping that would preclude the daybreak outing. Realizing that I could not shut the door to the motorhome behind me fast enough, I let more of those dreaded insects in. When Tad came to let me know he was ready to go out, I tried to ignore him. Kasey graciously offered to take both dogs out. The hitchhiking flies from the yesterday woke up and resumed their forays. The hungry, tiny, sneaky mosquitoes were still around in the morning as well. Kasey was not gone long but when he returned, I thought he was being chased by a wild animal. Pushing the dogs in and leaping to shut the door behind him, I knew that the mosquitoes had not given up on the menu. We decided that we had a long drive and it might be prudent to forego the usual nature bathing.
We departed the park happy to be safely in our fortress for 6 hours of driving. 
The clouds were making an increasing appearance and we even had a few raindrops along the route. 
We arrived at Kasey's cousin Jesse's house in Brainerd MN sometime about 5pm, left the motorhome there and went north a bit to Cousin Chuck's cabin for a nice barbecue. Chuck and his girlfriend, Barb, were there as was Jesse's wife, Desiree, his kids Caroline and Henry. 
Henry (left) will be headed to college in Milwaukie, WI next week so we timed that pretty well to see him before he was out of town. Caroline will be in 8th grade (second from right next to Jesse). Chuck's cabin is on a lake and it got a little stormy, but settled nicely by the time Jesse finished cooking. 
Burgers, hot dogs, chicken and 3 kinds of salad. It was a nice visit. Tomorrow we will have breakfast with Jesse, Desiree, and the kids. It has been a long day even though our clock says 8pm, it seems like 10pm.

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Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

Unfortunately some locals at 5 am decided to be assholes and went roaring by us making sure they disturbed our slumber. But on the plus side...