Thursday, August 24, 2023

Day 15: Indiana Dunes National Park to Mattawan, MI, 89 miles

We were made to sweat when we are hot and the sweat is supposed to cool us as it evaporates and when a nice breeze hits it. The trouble with high humidity is that evaporation is very much curtailed. So the sweat goes nowhere. Without air movement we would not be able to cool ourselves. It was still very hot in the motorhome, and humid. Our motorhome battery is not able to run 2 fans for over 8 hours. The battery died at about 2 am and we had to get up and connect the auxiliary battery to get the fans running. Kasey was on the couch to avoid disturbing my sleep, but Tad was panting so loud I could not sleep. Lincoln was fine, sleeping well. I took Tad for a little walk around the campground and then put him in the car with the windows down. It was cooler in the car and with one less body in the motorhome, it would cut down on the heat. Just about then, the couple across from our campsite drove off in their car, leaving their camper. I believe they were headed for a motel to find some A/C. I settled back into a light sleep reminiscent of the time I spent in the Philippines. High humidity makes for sticky clothes. It is like a workout to get your clothes on or off without them rolling along your sticky skin. 

Indiana Dunes is a very interesting place but we could not explore it in the high heat and humidity. We opted for another trip to the beach and a short stop at the visitor center. 
We enjoyed the movie about all the things we were missing by not coping with the weather. The mosquities and little black biting flies didn't thrill us either. Where was it I saw "More nature, less stress"? Hmm, maybe not in Northern Indiana during a excessive heat warning. We again retreated to our motorhome fortress. We can easily use the air conditioner when we are driving so our trip to see Kasey's college friend, and her husband was comfortable. 

We arrived at 1:30 pm and were welcomed by Karen and Les. They have a foreign exchange student from Italy, named Silvia. Guinness, the cattle dog was eager to play "retrieve the stick." They have goats and horses And a donkey. 
Their 20 acre property is beautiful. There is a small lake, some woods, and open green grass. 
The house sits on a flat area overlooking the sloped hill toward the lake. We sat on the patio talking for the afternoon. We moved inside when the heat increased outside. Luckily, they love animals and Tad and Lincoln could come inside with us. A coworker of Karen's came by with her 2 small children to use the pool to cool off.
They made dinner for us with ruby red trout, vegetables, and a caprese salad that Silvia prepared. A nice glass of Gewürztraminer was served along side. 
A thunderstorm rolled in and we scrambled to go roll the windows in the car up. A big clap of lightning followed immediately by thunder told me that that was close. It shook the ground. The motorhome battery, having not enough time to recharge on our short drive to Mattawan, was again dead from the constant fan use. At least we hope that is all that happened. After a few attempts to plug it in at the house for charging, we got it whirling away so we could return to our games. 
The rain cooled the air considerably so we could sleep comfortably.

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Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

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