Thursday, August 31, 2023

Day 22 - OH Canada Part Deux - Rockwood to Niagara Falls 138 km.

We left our new friends, Ross and Sylvia at Twinholm Lane after a delightful morning. Janice made pancakes topped with strawberries with some turkey sausage on the side. We drank coffee and planned out the next 5 days. We took the Boys for 3 walks on the property and then proceeded to get Sexy Lexy and the Gray Toad ready to depart. Ross watched us attach the Honda to the motorhome. He gave us some Twinholm eggs and honey and gave us a big hug and said he will be in touch when he comes to Oregon in the Fall. We drove down the long driveway on our way out. During our 2-day stay we spent 3+ hours each night chatting with Ross and Sylvia about a lot of things, drinking their wine and enjoying their company. It all seems like a dream it was so perfect.

We have been on the road for three weeks now. While it seems longer because of worrying about the fires back home and missing our Comet kitty, home and friends part of me thinks it is going too fast because of just how well the trip has gone so far. I am proud that our planning and organization has helped and that we will be traveling no more than 2-3 hours a day for the next couple of weeks.

We are boondocking at Newark Brewery about 20 minutes from Niagara on the Lake. We got here about 2 pm, got the motorhome situated and the Gray Toad cleaned out and loaded the Boys into the car and headed to Niagara Falls.  We went to the cute but touristy town of Niagara on the Lake. We walked the parkway and then had some food and a beer at the oldest golf course in North America. We biked there from Niagara Falls back in 2016 and liked it. We sat outside by the lake overlooking Fort George. As we were eating a man passed by and had to stop and say hi to the Boys. We could tell he was recovering from a stroke and we invited him to sit and talk with us. Neil was a very good golfer before the stroke 18 months ago. He was the Senor Champ a few years ago. He said he sometimes has problems filtering things and sometimes gets kicked out of places becauseof saying inappropriate things. He was born in Chicago but came to Niagara on the Lake at an early age. He was very interested in our trip and adventures.  He said meeting us was the highlight of his day. We congratulated him on his rehab and encouraged him.  Our connection made us happy.
After we left Niagara on the Lake we took the beautiful parkway to the Falls. We took the whitewater walk and then went over to see the Falls. Although we saw it in 2016 it was still such an experience. There were a lot of people from all over the world there and while we don't care for big crowds and touristy things it was captivating to see so much diversity.
We returned to our Newark Brewery host site. They were extremely accomodating and laid back. We had nachos and beer and listened to the Trivia Night questions. We talked to our waiter Braeden and told him about our trip and he said he hopes to do something like it one day.

Tomorrow morning we will leave Canada 🇨🇦 full of fond memories with our great neighbors to the north. We look forward to our next visit!

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Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

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