Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Day 14, August 23 - Kohler-Andrea State Park to Indiana Dunes National Park 188 miles

I'm going in reverse chronology for today's post. We arrived at Indiana Dunes National Park around 4:30 pm. We were delayed at least an hour due to traffic because of road construction near Chicago. (More about that later.) The heat 🔥 finally caught up with us from the West Coast and added 80% humidity creating "feels like" temperatures of around 116°. Not sure how they come up with that number but am sure it has to do with math, mosquitos and horseflys because that is what we were greeted by when we arrived at our camping spot. We quickly assembled the team and loaded up in the Gray Toad to head to the beach a mile away. 

The four of us embraced the cool waters of Lake Michigan and found instant relief to the heat and humidity. We sat in our chairs and proceeded to watching the sunset while enjoying some cold libations. We took a walk with the Boys on the beach and collected some pretty rocks.
The trip here was longer than expected due to a "25-minute construction delay" according to Google that was closer to 60 minutes. It amazed despite the constant stops and goes and encountering several breakdowns along the way (presumably because of the high heat) Lexington (our motorhome) kept us cool and performed perfectly as she has over the trip.

 We have had her for 6 years and I affectionately call her our "rolling cabin" as we opted to choose this route so we can experience adventure and spend time with friends and family. This blog is a testimony to that spirit and an affirmation we did the right thing because we have been able to travel over 36,000 miles and see so many things and be with so many special people in the process.

The time we had with my Family is precious and will always be one of those times to look back on and reflect how it helped to create so much more. 

Last night we had so much fun with one friends Amy and Zach who were part of Janice's Northern Spotted Owl demography study crew a few years ago. It was wonderful to be with them and their dog Blue. We walked the beach last night and this morning and spent so.e quality time together beside the campfire talking about past experiences, telling ghost stories and talking about the future. 

Tomorrow we will travel Karen an Les Freshwater's house in Mattawan, Michigan. She was one of my closest friends in college and I haven't seen her since the early 1990's! But that is tomorrow's story.

The heat advisory goes through tomorrow afternoon! A cool shower and some ice cream will hopefully reduce the uncomfortable sleeping conditions we are facing tonight as our campsite has no electricity and therefore no AC. 
Much Love, K&J

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Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

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