We were still reeling from our experience with a Close Encounter last night (see Day 13)
Diana joined us for a wonderful breakfast and despite her vote for Janice for "Bahia Day Concepcion " Person of the Day" Kasey remains in close regular nonverbal communication with her, and considers her to be an honarble mention for said award.
We packed up our snorkel gear and headed to the beach to learn from Diana how to snorkel. Lesson 1, bring your snorkel. Kasey, herorically walked thousands of kilometers back to the car and drove back millions of kilometers to camp at a safe speed using the safest driving techniques to retrieve Diana's snorkel from her car. Unfortunately, despite his great efforts he couldn't find her snorkel but was able to pee after summoning the strength to manuever out of his sexy 1-piece wetsuit that created quite the commotion in the Bahia this morning.
Meanwhile, back at the beach, Diana transformed Janice into the reincarnation of Jacque Costeau. She snorkled the Bahia, discovering several new species of fish and assisted with the birthing of a baby clam. Diana continued her lessons with Kasey who learned how to blow salt water through his nose back into the Bahia de Concepcion after successfully enhaling a significant portion of the Bahia in his mask because he didn't tighten it down enough.
We came back to camp and chilled out while preparing to phone in for a Umpqua Watersheds board meeting. We had successfully been able to call out via wifi at a nearby restaurant despite their marginalized margaritas and sumi-marginal comida (fud). Unfortunately when we returned this evening the wifi connection was suffering from Montazumas Revenge and the margaritas were spawned from the aftermath. We proceeded down the beach to another cabana where the wifi wasn't working so we left the beach and drove a few light year kilometers to another beach where the wifi was strong, the food and service were great and the margaritas were fantastico.
We also met a couple from Grants Pass, Chant and Susanna Thomas who have been closely involved in the environmental movement in southern Oregon for decades and who know several of our Friends.
We returned to camp full of good food, drink and serendipity. Sadly, the Three Amigos will be down to Two Amigos as Diana heads home for Oregon while Janice and Kasey and their rolling pet shop continue heading south for another week.
You're in trouble for posting a really awful picture of me! DP