Sunday, March 10, 2024

Day 5 Rancho Meling Hotel

We set out for parts inland. The roads here are narrow and have unexpected potholes so driving is a serious business. Especially when driving a wide vehicle towing a car. As soon as we started further south and away from the coast, the desert vegetation started to show.
We were headed for the Meling Ranch outside of San Telmo. The windy road was slow going and the road from the paved road to the ranch house was dirt with some washout. Nothing serious or scary though. We arrived to find a pleasant ranchero with wildlife preservation in progress. The California Red legged frog was described and is protected here.
We set off to find the spot and take the dogs for a walk. We followed the signs but never made it but did see some livestock along the way. A pleasant walk anyway.
 The weather is great during the day and we got a good spot. Comet even got out for a short foray. Kasey practiced his Spanish with the local pero. Apparently the dog is not social bit managed a chicken treat from Kasey.
 A big group had the rooms all booked so Diana had to sleep with the dogs again. She made us her campers surprise meal which was very filling. If you want to know the ingredients, well, it is a surprise. It was cold at night and despite getting our furnace and A/C repaired by Kamper Korner before we left Oregon, it did not work. They will be getting a visit from us when we return.
There is no cell service so our communication is limited. Seems driving makes us tired and a full belly makes us sleepy so off to bed early.


Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

Unfortunately some locals at 5 am decided to be assholes and went roaring by us making sure they disturbed our slumber. But on the plus side...