Kasey brought his own wetsuit, but I had to get one from the guideshop. They gave me one that I held up and knew it was too long but she had gone to help a family that just arrived. I went in to the bathroom and slinked into it. I tried to smooth the extra skin but there was just not enough leg to take up the extra. When I came out, another one one of the guides said that I had it on backwards. No one told me the zipper went in the back. Kasey's was in the front. Plus, they said it was too big. So back to the changing area I went and wiggled out of the old one and into a new one. Finally, We were all suited up and hit the water.
It was a gorgeous day. No wind and it was warmer. A family from San Diego joined the trip. The 3 daughters ranged from 6 to about 12. The middle daughter had the most fun I think. Conditions were.great. We saw an amazing variety of fish in all colors of the rainbow. Some were even florescent. Schools of fish seemed to be everywhere. And single grazers poked along gleaning from the coral. Some fish seemed to specialize on gleaning off of other fish. We spent quite a bit of time in the water and it was magical watching the show. Large fish seemed to be more solitary except when it came to the Jack fish. Thousands of them school together in a slow moving nearly synchronous motion. None of the fish seemed weary of us. Before we knew it, time was up.
Town was very busy for tiny Cabo Pulmo. Easter Week brings people out to remote places.
Back at camp we did a few chores. Randy wanted fish for dinner so he headed off and came back with fresh snapper. We whipped up some mashed potatoes and green beans and had a nice meal. The fish was the best I have tasted.
After dinner we decided to wait up for the scheduled rocket launch. We would still be waiting had we not discovered that the launch was postponed.
Tomorrow we start making tracks north so we have to leave the place we have been for a week. The longest that we have stayed in one place since a month ago.
So glad you experienced excellent snorkeling. DianaP