Friday, March 8, 2024

Day 3 Running for the border

Our stay behind the Costco Building at Gateway, San Diego was shortened with a knock at the door at 4:30 am. Even though we had patronized Costco and a local food store, stayed out of the fray in a quiet corner not impeding anyone and waiting for the gas station to open, we were asked to move. We were told gas was available. It wasn't so we waited there and continued our slumber. An hour later we were able to get gas and be on our way. But not before the 5:30 am rush of worker bees getting gas at that hour. 

I don't know. Another couple of hours and we would be gone and if not, then they could ask us to vacate. The manager was apparently angry but the signs said parking for customers only. I believe that that means us. We didn't have a lot of choice. Where is the compassion? I did see a nice recycling bin our Roseburg Costco should get.

We set out for Tecate and made it through quickly. Diana does not have international calling so she will use my phone when we are travelling so we can communicate. The walkie talkies just don't cut it. 
We are camping on the beach near La Bufadora and the dogs are allowed on the beach so they love it.
We went to dinner at a local establishment and had some local cervesa. 
We will be here another day to catch up on that sleep we lost this morning.

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Boardman, OR to home Spt 26 2024

Unfortunately some locals at 5 am decided to be assholes and went roaring by us making sure they disturbed our slumber. But on the plus side...